

The Association of Consulting Forensic Engineers was founded in 1982, and members of the association are chartered engineers (or equivalent status) who practise as consulting engineers, either individually or as partners in a practice of consulting engineers.

There are currently approximately fifty members of the association throughout the island of Ireland, who practise in a wide range of areas. The common thread is that we give expert engineering reports and evidence to the Courts and similar tribunals. | Learn more »

What we do: Inspections, reports, briefs, and more

Consulting forensic engineers provide expertise in court proceedings, through acting as independent and impartial witnesses at court. The main way in which this expertise is presented is through investigations and reports. | Learn more »

Court report guidelines

The complete guidelines for court reports of the Association of Consulting Forensic Engineers | Learn more »

Become a member

Suitably qualified candidates wishing to be considered for membership must seek an application form from the honorary secretary, and will require references from two current members of the association. Membership is only open to chartered engineers. | Learn more »